Friday, August 18, 2023

Day 7 - A Hike With Calusa

Well, I've  decided I'm taking my little girl Calusa for a hike on Le Pic Champlain. This is the only trail dogs are allowed on in all of Bic National Park. The route is depicted in green on the map below. The trail is a 229 metre climb to the top, 6 kms in length and should take us just over 2 hours. I asked Calusa if she was all in...she started wagging her tail so I guess away we go. To get to the trailhead we drove out of the park, went west about 5kms on the 132, then back in the park at a different entrance. It's early so know one was at the gate. Only two vehicles in the parking lot...excellent. This is one of the most popular trails because it allows dogs.
With 2 large jugs of water, my phone(just to be safe), camera, and truck keys away we go. We cross the road and hit the trail which is already a challenge. It's wet and rocky. And Calusa had a poop. I pick it up, go back down the trail a short distance, deposit it in the garbage, then start again.
The trail is tough but we are having fun. New smells for Calusa and new sights for me. 
We reach the top and the view of the Appalachian countryside and the St Lawrence estuary is incredible. After a short rest and taking in the sights we started back down. I am soooo proud of my little girl she did amazing. This trail is a loop, so you can choose which way you want to go. On the way back we are taking a little easier route. It's a service road for park 4x4 vehicles only. It doesn't make it much easier because going down is always harder on my knees. It is very steep not sure how a vehicle can do it.
During the hike up and down Calusa and I only pass 5 people. However, the parking lot is now full and people are parking on the road. After the two of us devour a bag of cheezies and empty our water bottles we head home for lunch.

The rest of the day is spent relaxing and getting things ready to move on tomorrow to new adventures.

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